Core Value Winner (Impact) – May 2020


IMPACT drives lasting change

We seek to make lasting change in the lives of those we work with by providing services that are durable, measurable, and sustainable.  We will maximize our impact by investing in staff and board development.  Feedback gathered from our entire community will enhance and strengthen our programs and their outcomes. 

WINNER: Aleesha Gladden 

Aleesha is a Therapist at the Strawbridge School.  She has been a Rockstar this year, passionately taking the lead on two important projects.  Aleesha has organized several college and trade school tours for Strawbridge students, and the energy she brings to those tours has inspired some youth to commit to the next steps in their educational careers.  Aleesha has also implemented a new hip-hop group curriculum this year, using the universal language of music to connect with her high schoolers in new ways.  On top of the various ways she is impacting students, she also the “self-care queen” of Strawbridge, always reminding her colleagues to take care of themselves and prioritize their well-being.  Aleesha’s enthusiasm is inspiring for us all!

Congratulations Alessha and thank you!